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How Bottle Fillers Are Changing the Game

Universities, schools, hospitals, airports, hotels and even private companies across the UK are getting smarter about addressing the problem of plastic water bottles. Every year the UK uses 13 billion plastic bottles (milk, toiletry, and all beverages) and only 7.5 billion are recycled, the rest is sent to landfill or incinerated, which produces approximately 233,000 tonnes of CO2e emissions every year.

The introduction of water bottle filling stations, such as those supplied by Cooleraid Ltd, are helping organisations take simple, yet powerful, steps toward their sustainability goals.

Drinking foundations and bottled water: The facts

Over the years, misconceptions about the quality of mains tap water, coupled with marketing campaigns by the bottled water industry, helped facilitate a slow but steady decline for the drinking water fountain. It was posed that public drinking fountains were dirty and even dangerous, opening the doorway for bottled water consumption in staggering proportions.

In Britain we get through a mind-boggling 8 billion single-use plastic water bottles a year, with only a fraction making their way into recycling. A staggering proportion of those plastic water bottles end up in landfill, rivers and oceans every single day - this is so unnecessary

National landfills are filled with two-million tons of discarded water bottles, each of which will take 500 to 1,000
years to degrade.

The role of water bottle fillers

As more and more facilities introduce sustainability initiatives, they’re turning to bottle fillers as a cost-effective and energy-efficient way to tackle these issues. The convenient design and filtration systems in Cooleraid bottle fillers offer a sustainable way of offering clean, chilled drinking water to the general public.

Their increasing presence in public places encourage water consumption and the use of refillable bottles, all while reducing plastic water bottle waste. Bottle filling stations are designed to be simple and speedy—no more awkward angles to fill up your reusable container—and that convenience is itself a selling point.

Cooleraid bottle filling stations offer users the benefits of hydrating and refreshing water on the go, with none of the waste and cost of bottled water. Advanced filtration in the bottle fillers reduce the taste and odour of chlorine while removing lead and cysts. Key features offered in the product line include antimicrobial additives to prevent the growth of mould and mildew, sensor-operated or manual push-button operation, and retrofit options for existing drinking fountains. Several models also offer logo customisation options.

Bottle filling stations like these have an important role in encouraging hydration and sustainability in a world increasingly aware of its environmental responsibilities—with customisation, it can even add a bit of fun, too.